Sept. 16, 17, 18 2005
(this is a legacy page for historical purposes only!)

Festival of the Forks
Albion, Michigan

Always the 3rd full weekend of Sept.

Visit the Official Festival Web site:

What is the Festival of the Forks?


2012 Forks 5K Run!

Visit the Official Festival Web site location:

New  mission statement: Under the auspices of the Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce, the Festival of the Forks is an annual reunion of current and former residents of the greater Albion area in celebration of the creativity and diversity of its people. The Festival's goals are to strengthen and promote unity, to offer fun activities for children, families and individuals, and to foster economic growth.

The Name

The Purpose

The Date

The Location

Getting There


Pictures from past years

BIG Festival Photo Tour

Main Stage, Saturday Schedule

More Information

Button Ordering Information (for bulk orders & sponsorship information)

Sister City, Noisy-le-Roi, France

Albion Michigan Home Page

Visit Kids 'N Stuff! Now Open!

Visit the 2004 Festival of the Forks Web site

Visit the 2003 Festival of the Forks web site.

The Name:

The Festival is named after the forks of the Kalamazoo River's east and south branches. When Albion was first settled in 1835 at this river site, it was known as the "Forks."

Several festivals around the nation are geared towards the ways in which major waterways have influenced the communities.  Albion's connection with the Kalamozoo stretches well beyond its founding.  In Michigan as well as the rest of the countries vendors, food trucks, and entertainment gather near the waterways to celebrate history and community.

Some very early history of our community - from the "Historical Notebook" by Frank Passic, Albion's historian.

Sign up for the 2012 5K run here.


The Purpose:

The Festival is a celebration of Albion's historic heritage and rich ethnic diversity.


The Date:

Always the third (3rd) weekend in September. The Festival has been celebrated each year since 1966.

This is a legacy page - 2004 - September 17, 18, 19


The Location:

Downtown Albion, Michigan and the beautiful parks flanking the banks of the Kalamazoo River.



Getting There...

Albion is conveniently located off exits 121 and 124 along Interstate 94, between Battle Creek and Jackson. Follow the business 94 route to downtown or take M-99 to the heart of activities!

Map of how to get to Albion, Michigan.

Map of Downtown Albion.


Events from a previous Festival

for this years events click here!

This is a legacy page -




4 p.m.

Children's Carnival Rides

Rieger Park

5:00-9:00 PM

Cruz-in Show Cars


5:00 PM

Spaghetti Dinner

Salem United Church of Christ

6:00 PM

Bicycle Decorating Contest

Stoffer Plaza

7:00 PM

AVSO 5K Run - Walk

Victory Park

7:00 PM

Pet Show

Stoffer Plaza

7 p.m.

Talent Show

Middle School

7:00-9:00 PM

Art Show

Albion Public Library

7:00-9:00 PM

Book Sale

Albion Public Library


Luminary Walk

Victory Park

Saturday - All Day Events

for this years events click here!

This is a legacy page -



Albion Ambulance Service

Cass and Superior Street

Albion Public Safety

Cass and Superior Street

Antique Thrashers

Rieger Park

Art Show

Albion Public Library

Arts and Crafts Booths

Superior Street

Bingo Tent

Behind Illusions 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Book Sale

Albion Public Library

Children's Activities

All Around Town

Children's Carnival Rides

Rieger Park

Face Painting

Superior Street

Food Booths

Superior Street & Stoffer Plaza

Forks Marketplace

North Superior St. 9 am - 5 pm

Gardner House Museum

South Superior Street 10 am- 4 pm

Helicopter Rides

Victory Park

Information Booth

Cass and Superior Street
Sales of Shirts & Buttons


Rieger Park

National Guard Unit

Victory Park

Petting Zoo

Rieger Park

Pony Rides

Rieger Park

Public Awareness Information

Erie & Superior Street

Rock Climbing Wall

Porter Street

Saturday- Continued

This is a legacy page -

for this years events click here!




10:00 AM

Children's Parade

Michigan Avenue & Superior

11:00 AM - 6 PM

Live Entertainment

Center Street Stage

11:30 AM

Boy Scout Canoe Race

Victory Park


Soft Ball Tournament

Harris Field & Ketchum Park

2:00 PM

Pie Eating Contest

Superior/Erie Street

4:00 PM

Ducky Derby

Victory Park

6:50 PM

Forks Awards

Center Stage

7:00 PM

Evening Parade

Superior Street

8:00 - 10:00 PM

Teen Dance

Washington Gardner Jr. High


More Information:

This is a legacy page -

About Albion:
Albion Michigan

First Aid Stations
Parks Drug Store - Superior and Erie Street
Albion Ambulance Service - Cass and Superior Street

Buttons and or T-Shirts are available from the following Festival Supporters
Festival Information Booth
Albion Area Chamber of Commerce
Albion Motors (N. Clark St.)
Felpausch Foods
Little Red Lunchbox
Mary B. Lenardson
Park Drug
Young's Drug
Young's Apparel

Festival Of The Forks
PO Box 524
Albion, MI 49924

The Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce


Web page and art work ©2005 M.LaNoue/ Albion Design.






Learn more about Albion!
Visit the Visit AlbionMich.NET.

A General Guide to the Community