Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion A Century Ago
as seen in the Morning Star

This is a monthly series, the other weekly articles can be seen on the regular Historical Notebook table of contents.

For the grand tour of Albion 100 Years Ago start with June 1899, Published on June 13, 1999. At the bottom of the story there is a link to next month's article.

Published November 29, 2024; New Buick garage, Dr. Gardner injured, Albion Evening Recorder will move to a new building, coasting (sledding and skating) fatality, One fire alarm from the Liberty Café on Christmas morning.

Published November 8, 2024; Inquest over the remains of Underwood Cheek, wooden bridge closed to traffic while the city makes repairs, Victory Park memorial to Civil War veterans, Six Held for Bank Robbery at Springport, pollution is killing off the fish in the Kalamazoo river.

Published October 4, 2024; Albion Woman Confesses to Setting Fires, Student expelled from Albion College Thursday after distributing copies of a pamphlet, Fifteen Aliens From Albion to Be Naturalized, 10-year-old boy fell from a swing early last evening and received a severe fracture of one arm, between the elbow and the wrist.

Published September 6, 2024; Troop Three is Now Registered. Troop 3 Boy Scouts of Albion, Creamery at Homer is Hit by Fire Today, Fifty-six alien residents of Albion, Laird Gets Out of Ministry as Well as Church, Two Arrested in Booze Raid Friday Night.

Published August 4, 2024; George A. Bohm to Build New Theatre Here, Emancipation Day Parade Draws Crowd, Devereaux Has Fire Creamery Destroyed, Townsend Burial to be at Concord, Much Damage by Twister Near Here Wednesday, New Building is Announced For Recorder, Woman Arrested in Liquor Raid, Albion College Watchman an Attack Victim, Union Steel Products Charged With Killing Fish.

JULY 1924
Published July 7, 2024; Gideons Will Present Bibles to Starr Boys, Principal William F. Head Takes New Position, Liquor Raid is Staged Here Monday Night, 8-Year-Old Lad is Trampled to Death by Cow, Human Chain Saves Life of Albion Woman, Emancipation Day Program Here Tomorrow, Floyd W. Parks has installed a soda fountain in his drug store at the corner of Erie and Superior Sts. and this afternoon started serving sodas.

JUNE 1924
Published June 16, 2024; The senior class of Albion College has voted to make their memorial take the form of the new main entrance to the Alumni Field of the college, An attempt was made Saturday night or early Sunday morning to rob the Albion post office, Albion College Dormitory Lost by Lack of Will, Tom and Gardner Lloyd, Washington D. C., arrived today to spend the summer.

MAY 1924
Published May 5, 2024; The Sheldon Hospital is Opened Today, The grade crossing evil claimed six more victims in Albion, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Haight, 1014 N. Berrien St. this morning, a son, Lawrence Eugene, Klan Holds a Big Meeting Near Albion, Eastern Standard time will be adopted in Homer beginning tomorrow.

APRIL 1924
Published March 31, 2024; New Sheldon Memorial Structure is Open for Inspection, Donald Boyd, son of Mrs. John R. Boyd, N. Clinton St., had his left foot seriously injured, The Albion Coal Mine is shut down and many of the miners are seeking work elsewhere, Former Albionite, Youngest Veteran of Civil War, Dead.

MARCH 1924
Published March 3, 2024; Albion College Students Vote For Prohibition, Albion Holding Co. Passes Out of Existence, Did Bernard Julius Die Recently in California?, Emil O. Kostamo, about 27 years old, of Laurium, Michigan, was killed by a Michigan Central train

Published February 4, 2024; New water meters from the Hersey Meter Company; City Council Minutes; Officers Visit Albion St. Place Saturday; Fire at Starr Commonwealth is Disastrous.

Published December 31, 2023; Bruce F. Kinmont, well known retired druggist, died at his home; H. H. Nutter, Deputy Great Incohonee of the Improved Order of Red Men, is in Albion from Martinsville, IN; Elmer Creamery at Devereaux; Dr. Laird Quits. Resignation of College Head is Accepted. Albion's Senior Professor to be Acting "Prexy;" Albert Schwer is Victim of Accident Here; School Teachers Sued for $1,000.

Published December 3, 2023; The home of William Lohrke on W. Erie St. is released from quarantine, Carols Will Be Sung in Foreign Languages Here, A son was born at the city hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Eleushik, Water Meters Adopted for Entire City, Howard Meat Co. In business 53 Years, to Quit.

Published November 5, 2023; A number of local people witnessed the burning of a cross, Ku Klux Klan Has a Meeting at Homer, Gasoline is down in price again, Alfalfa for Albion Farms, Eastern Time as the official municipal time beginning Sunday morning, November 25, Robert J. Frost is Dead.

Published October 1, 2023; City Considering Water Meters, Alex Dmitruk, 25 years old, died yesterday; preliminary meeting of the Ku Klux Klan was held Thursday evening at the White School house, Four Albion youths were arrested in Eaton Rapids Saturday night on a drunk charge, John McKinney House Raided, Booze is Found.

Published September 10, 2023; Caster Factory to Start Work About Sept. 10, The 1924 Emancipation celebration of the colored Masonic order will be held in this city on August 1, 1924, Robbers broke into the First M.E. Church, No Parking signs are being placed by the city today on Michigan Ave. between Huron and Berrien Sts.

Published August 20, 2023; Deputy Sheriff George McCarty left this afternoon at 4:00 for a trip to Pensacola, Florida, the Ku Klux Klan has been making plans for an organization in Albion, 666 At the College, The liquor case of the people vs. Mrs. Alexandria Demski Shelengewich, Green Rosier, a colored man about 51 years old, residing at 11 N. Eaton St. was run down by a switch-engine in the local yards of the MCRR.

JULY, 1923
Published July 9, 2023; Springport, Mich. John Banister, a prominent farmer, was killed by lightning at his farm, Asa Taft, age 60 years and formerly a member of the city police force, was killed this afternoon when a brick arch in the basement of the Albion College library, where he was working, fell upon him, Paul Revears, an umbrella mender, who has made Albion his headquarters for the past two or three years, was killed.

JUNE 1923
Published June 11, 2023; Albion's city tax rate is so low that it is attracting attention around the state, New Pipe Organ Placed in St. James Church, Ira Denton had an operation for hernia at the hospital this morning, Interurban Car Jumps Track into Parma Town Hall, Playgrounds Will be Opened Here Monday.

May 1923
Published May 7, 2023; Sixty-three people entered the games at the foreign settlement last night, Announcement was made today of the establishment here of what will be known as the Chain Dairies, Ground has been broken for the city's Fire-station No. 2, the cornerstone of the James W. Sheldon Memorial Hospital will be laid Friday afternoon, Four new Dutch ovens are being built at the Victory Park free tourist camp.

April 1923
Published April 2, 2023; Zelon Lake's Death Caused by Poisoning, Creditors to Take Over Elevator Co., Stole Albion Traffic Signs, Concord Farmer Injured by an Angry Bull, Lake Body is Again Exhumed From Cemetery, Ukansave Grocery, Baking Ovens Will be Made in This City, The showing of the film version of "The Wizard of Oz" scheduled to occur at the high school auditorium Saturday afternoon was called off because of the local measles epidemic.

March 1923
Published March 12, 2023; Deputy Sheriff George U. McCarty and Chief of Police Clyde Stoddard pulled off a successful liquor raid early this afternoon, Marshall Students May Pay High for Celebration Over Defeat of Albion, First Sod is Turned up for New Hospital, the residence of Prof. H. L. Ewbank on Bidwell St. is quarantined for diphtheria, Lake's Body is Exhumed at Marengo, William Wolcott is Given a Long Term.

February 1923
Published January 29, 2023; Mark Donovan, Herbert Stinekrauss and Donald Boyd returned yesterday from Detroit with three new Ford cars for the Albion Motor Sales Company, Dr. Charles M. Guyselman and George Bogue Hunt, former Albionites who are now residents of Jackson, are among the leaders in a movement to attempt to prevent the Jackson board of education from compelling school children to be vaccinated and also to do away with the physical examination of pupils of the school system of that city.

January 1923
Published January 1, 2023; Colored Man Shot Sunday Dies Today, Colored Folks Ask City for Policeman, Jury Clears Dr. Ingram in Fatal Shooting, Donald Burns Severely Hurt in Queer Way, The demolishing of Robinson Hall was begun today, Close to a Million Dollars Will be Spent in Albion for Building During 1923, Incendiary is Blamed for 3rd Fire at College

December 1922
Published November 27, 2022; Troop 2, Boy Scouts, went on a hike to Sandstone quarry Saturday, Frank E. Nowlin and Louis F. Striker won the billiard and pool championships respectively of the Leisure Hour Club, Morning Blaze Drives Family Out Into Snow, Robinson Hall Burns, College to be Kept in Albion.

November 1922
Published October 30, 2022; Born today to Mr. and Mrs. John Shimkus, Sheridan Township, a son, Inventor of War Gas Here Friday Evening, Tomorrow afternoon’s Albion-Kalamazoo football game begins at 2 o’clock, A new apparatus for garages called the Turn-Auto has been installed in the Noble Garage on Michigan Av, Chief of Police Clyde Stoddard and Night Patrolman David Sutton consummated the arrest of Tony Kulinich.

October 1922, Part 2
Published October 9, 2022; Fire Chief Fred Griswold has warned local autoists a number of times about following behind the city fire trucks, H.D. Keller, formerly of Homer, was killed in an automobile accident at Oldsmar, Florida, There will be a meeting of the Albion Radio club at the night school tomorrow night, H. J. Kamp is moving his cigar factory, Workmen started work today in clearing off the former N.Y. Central depot grounds on N. Superior St.

October 1922, Part 1
Published October 2, 2022; City officers staged a raid Saturday night at the home of Steve Denichuk, Officers Put Big Still Out of Commission, Liquor Found Twice in Same Home in Month, Former Slave Dies Today, Dogs Kill Sheep, One Dog is Shot, City to Have New Pavement on M-17 Road.

September 1922
Published August 28, 2022; Two Houses are Raided for Liquor, The Albion St. bridge was closed to traffic today by City Manager E. J. Mallory, until repairs can be made, 2nd Infantry Encamped in Victory Park, 400 Methodist Pastors Will Invade City, Airplane Will Photograph This City, Gale Mfg. Co. Makes Hospital Gift of $500.

August 1922
Published July 31, 2022; The Sparks circus, which exhibits here Monday, will arrive in the city tomorrow morning from Hillsdale, Extreme heat was responsible for a blowing up of the brick pavement between Albion and Marshall Tuesday, Colored Man Arrested for Bootlegging, Born August 12 to Rev. & Mrs. W.E. Craighead of Bucharest, Roumania: a son.

July 1922
Published July 3, 2022; Quantities of Booze Seized in Big Raid, Charles E. Butler of Albion, began suit against the Michigan Railway Company for the loss of a horse, The city sidewalk gang today completed the stretch of cement sidewalk on Albion St.

June 1922
Published June 12, 2022; George Raymond Ismon died at Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho, Donald Dungey, age 4, departed this life on June 7, Roscoe DeWeese has purchased the old Airdome property on W. Porter St., Abraham Weiner is Killed While Cleaning Gun, Disappearance of Albion Man is a Mystery, Taxes on Duck Lake Cottages Lowered, Anyone who wishes to join the Albion radio club now may do so by calling Floyd Quigg.

May 1922
Published May 1, 2022; Funeral services for the late Emil A. Haeske of Detroit, former Albion resident who died Wednesday at Harper Hospital, were held at his home in Detroit; William Neisley, a fireman for the Albion Malleable Iron Company, will be liable to receive offers from some circus side-show if he performs many more stunts like the one he did yesterday; South School Site Favored by Committee; Dempsky Cleared by State Board.

April 1922, Part 2
Published April 10, 2022; Mrs. Carl Haskey is recovering from a hard cold. John Winchett and family have moved to Concord; Ten Albion Men Listed as Deserters; Clarence Farmer Given a Divorce. Wife Hated Him. Robert Cascarelli has placed a new awning in front of his fruit store and confectionery.

April 1922, Part 1
Published April 3, 2022; Elmer Van Sickle Dies at His Home Today; Two Deputies are Wounded in a Running Fight; Wilbur F. Smith, former Albion boy who made a name for himself a few years ago as a big league catcher; Five Houses are raided, Booze Found.

March 1922
Published February 27, 2022; The Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Free Methodist and colored churches of Albion will be united in a day of prayer at the Methodist church on Friday; Petitions for Eastern Time are Received; Hurley Block Changes Hands; Three Albion People Killed by Michigan Central Flyer.

February 1922
Published January 30, 2022; Mrs. Mary Craig, a colored woman; Clarence M. Bowe, ice cream maker; Mrs. Sophia Dubina, proprietor of a pool room on Austin Avenue; John C. Dunn, local agent for the Michigan Central; Charles M. Quigg, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Quigg; Floyd Parks, who clerks in Van Gorden’s Drug Store.

January 1922
Published January 9, 2022; Major Harrison Soule, 89, died at his home in Ann Arbor Monday; Proposition Carries for New School; Albion Office Sued for Damages; New Company to Take Over Albion Mine; Albion College Gymnasium is Ruined by Fire; Today is the 55th anniversary of the opening of the Howard Meat Market.

December 1921
Published November 28, 2021; Thieves visited the rear of the store of Warren Nowlin in Marengo last night; Tuesday and Wednesday were popcorn days in Springport; Heard Around Albion. Harold Tillotson of Homer was here Saturday; Auto Stolen From Albion Man Located; People Turned Away From St. Paul’s Cantata.

November 1921
Published November 7, 2021; Scaffolding has just been erected covering the entire front of the George T. Bullen store; The task of grading the new Duck Lake golf course is well underway; Alfred Tuchtenhagen, Herman Kopp, and Delbert Barnes started Sunday morning for Channing in the Upper Peninsula for the deer hunting season; Plans for a New Unit High School are Announced.

October 1921
Published October 3, 2021; Interview with Floyd Starr; Dr. John Wesley Laird is now formally president of Albion College; Contract let for new union freight house for the Michigan Central and the New York Central; Mrs. E. J. Mallory went to Ann Arbor about 10 days ago for an X-ray examination.

September 1921
Published September 12, 2021; William Sampson of Homer has succeeded Ralph Moorehouse as night clerk in the Michigan United Railway office; Judge North Hands of Sentences; $185 Horse of Stanley Noakes Killed by Auto; A new pavement light was installed at the corner of Cass and Superior Sts; Singer & Son Undertaking Plant Sold.

August 1921
Unpublished due to lack of access to microfilm during COVID-19 restrictions; Fire Damages E. Porter St. Home; Colon C. Billinghurst, aged 76, died at Rochester, MN after an illness of two months; George Bohm, who owns a string of billboards through a number of towns through this section, has erected four new boards south of the Weaver Inn.

July 1921
Unpublished due to lack of access to microfilm during COVID-19 restrictions; Fire Alarm Results in Booze Raid; A small cyclone passed over a section of Marengo Township Monday afternoon between 3 and 4 o’clock; Albion Theatres Will Close on Account of Heat; Frank Magnotta, who has been conducting the Coney Island restaurant on W. Porter St., has gone out of business and moved fixtures from the restaurant yesterday.

June 1921
Unpublished due to lack of access to microfilm during COVID-19 restrictions; Eight Take out Milk Licenses; Work has been started at Alumni Field; The city authorities as painting new parking lines on Superior St., as well as lines designating the cross walks on that thoroughfare to prevent "jay-walking.

May 1921
Unpublished due to lack of access to microfilm during COVID-19 restrictions; Remains of Albion Boy Killed in Action at Juvigny Expected at Hoboken May 7; Demski House Destroyed by Queer Blaze; City Getting Chloride for Use on Roads; The local colored Knights of Pythias Lodge listened to their annual Thanksgiving sermon yesterday afternoon at the Bethel Baptist Church

April 1921
Unpublished due to lack of access to microfilm during COVID-19 restrictions; A monster b-flat bass saxophone has been purchased by Gus Bohm and will be added to the instruments used by Bohm’s Saxophone quintet, making the organization a sextette; Lee Lung, who had a laundry in this city about two years ago, is in the city making plans to open a laundry in the former Banner Laundry location on W. Porter St., next week. He thinks this is the best town he has struck during his stay in this country.

March 1921
Published February 28, 2021; Suggests City Opens Up Ionia St.; The school in District No. 4 Sheridan Township, is closed on account of an epidemic of diphtheria; Miss Helen Luedtke, S. Eaton St. was injured this noon; Edward Brewer of Homer, charged with taking hams and bacon from the smoke house; Baltimore Pastor Called to Head Albion College; Stokoe Store in Devereaux Robbed Again.

February 1921
Published February 7, 2021; Gasoline has gone down again; Albion Pig Club to be Organized Monday; Dr. Delos Fall Died Today at Bradenton; Mrs. I. Imperiale, W. Chestnut St., has purchased a new Studebaker "Special Sox" automobile from the Albion Garage.

January 1921
Published January 3, 2021; First Meeting of New Council Is Very Quiet; Ezra Cornell Robertson was born on the Robertson farm; Mark Lambson died at 5 o’clock Friday morning; Frank J. Graves has announced his retirement from the shoe business; Fire Destroys Farm Buildings South of City.

December 1920
Published November 29, 2020; Freight House to be Started in Near Future; Body of Albion Boy is Coming from Overseas; Earl Noble is Sentenced to Jackson Prison; Will Get Plans for New High School Here; Mrs. C. I. Cool Kills Herself By Taking Gas; Albion Man Robbed in Florida Hotel; Albion Woman Takes Poison, May Not Live.

November 2020
Published November 8, 2020; Old Hostelry Is Being Made Over by Moose; Two young men clubbed George Fisher; An absolute ban has been placed on dancing at Albion College; Two Albion Men in Trouble for Stealing Apples; Albion Mine is Taken over by New Company; Grandma Blakeley Dies in 103rd Year.

October 1920 Published October 4, 2020; Dan Kelly, 75, colored, died; Discrimination Charged Toward Colored Pupils; Legion Holds College to a Scoreless Tie; Michigan Central Freight House Destroyed by Fire; City Council Does Little Real Business; Papers Served on Members of School Board; Colored People in Political Meetings.

September 1920 Published September 6, 2020; Work on Victory Park has been commenced in earnest; Deputy Sheriff McCarty was in Kalamazoo yesterday; City Will Vote on Hospital Building; Victory Park Plan Now on Display; City Receives Coal; Much interest is being evinced among the football fans over the fact that the American Legion of this city is forming a gridiron eleven to be composed entirely of ex-service men.

August 1920 Published August 2, 2020; Today is Emancipation Day; Troop 3, Boy Scouts, will meet Wednesday night; William J. Kearney of Jackson was in the city today; Mrs. Tishie Jones paid a fine of $5; Colored Women Organize Unit of New League; Seth Hyney Dies After a Long Illness; Baptists Send Missionaries to Russia.

July 1920 Published July 5, 2020; Death of Fred C. Day; Albion Foundry and Machine Company has been organized in Albion; Duck Lake s middle name will be Boyville tomorrow; Albion Chamber of Commerce Joins National Organization.

June 1920 Published June 6, 2020; Carl Sleeper broke his right arm above the wrist Sunday; First Albion Rabbit Show Big Success; Springport Mill Destroyed by Fire Early today; Clarence Trine Badly Injured in Fall From Roof; College Secures Dormitory Site; Dog is Milk Thief.

May 1920 Published May 3, 2020; Potato Club Organized by Hayes Workers; Routine Business Only is Done by City Councilmen; City Makes a Census Gain of 43.2 Percent; More Bolshevist Literature Passed; Local officers are in a quandary as to what to do with Billy Stamper.

April 1920 Published April 5, 2020; The Hayes Wheel Company's auto hub plant is now the largest hub factory in the world; farmhouse caught fire and burned to the ground; the gasoline situation in Albion became acute today; City Officers Capture Two Distillers; Matt C. Harris, colored, was given a license for a soft drink place on N. Albion St.

March 1920 Published March 1, 2020; Clyde Duddles, instructor in chemistry and Albion High School, and Richard Williams, a student, were painfully burned with sulphuric acid this morning just before noon in the high school chemical laboratory; Olin, the 8-year-old son of Edward Knickerbocker, can consider himself lucky to be alive, after he shot himself with a revolver under the right eye, he accidently pressed the trigger; Fourteen Men Taken in Raid for Gambling; Local Coal Mine Starts Digging on Thursday.

February 2020 Published February 9, 2020; Flu Results in 3 Local Deaths; In the death of Omar Karzak, the prosecution loses one of its strongest witnesses; Speros Andritsakes, one of the owners of the Albion Confectionery, is in this country, according to word received by his business partner Nick Kostianes; City Council Does Routine Business. No Matters of Great Importance Come up before Regular Meeting of City Dads.

January 1920 Published December 29, 2019; Commercial Hotel to be Moose Home; Drinking Toilet Water Gets Man Drunk; George Howard Completes 49 Years in Business; With 350 high class birds on exhibition, the 6th annual show of the Albion Poultry Association is being held at the W. C. T. U. building; Flu Situation Closes College; A peculiar circumstance a few days ago threatened to put the pipe organ at the Presbyterian Church out of commission.

December 1919 Published December 1, 2019; Albion Boy Makes Name as Inventor. Robert Wiederwax Devises Auto Radiator for Which Ford Offers Big Royalty; Local Coal Situation Not Serious, However It means that for a few days, at least several thousand workmen will be idle in Albion; Nick Martin Murdered Last Night in His Store; Six Russian radicals arrested here in the recent "Red" raid by federal officials; Three Russians are Taken Away.

November 1919 Published November 17, 2019; Mrs. Ethel Fowler, who has been teaching at Jackson, has taken a position as teacher of the 6th grade in the Albion schools; In a raid on three local residences last evening, Federal officers made the arrest of five Russians thought to be members of the Bolshevistic organization known as the Russian Worker s Union.

October 1919 Published October 6, 2019; It was announced today by the F. H. Darrow Steel Boat company that they had purchased the Hurley barn, best known as the Coliseum building on Clinton St.; Victory Park Campaign Will Start This Week; Albion Chamber of Commerce Started on October 22; Pupils from the Nema Phipps piano studio will give a recital Friday evening; Albion Coal Mine Will Shut Down. Miners are to Walk out at Midnight Tonight in Compliance with National Order.

September 1919 Published September 1, 2019; Probably the most disastrous fire this city ever experienced occurred Sunday afternoon when the entire upper story of the Eslow building; Starting yesterday morning, all trains on the Lansing branch of the New York Central stopped at the old Lake Shore depot, and patrons of the road are much pleased over the resumption of the former procedure.

August 1919 Published July 28, 2019; In harmony with the plan to make Victory Day a local holiday in the city, with an almost complete cessation of business in order that due and fitting tribute may be paid our boys in the services, the Recorder wishes to announce that no issue will be published on Thursday.

July, 1919 Published June 30, 2019; The Tawanka Camp Fire Girls will meet in the lobby of the Censor Theatre at 9:20 Wednesday evening; Albion is to celebrate the return of her soldiers Thursday, August 7; Corporal Harold Gregory who has been with the A.E.F. in Russia has sent word to his sister, Miss Avron Gregory that he would pass through Albion tonight on his way to Camp Custer.

June 1919 Published June 9, 2019; Colored people of Albion are planning for a big Masonic peace celebration at Lansing August 1; Montcalm Lake claimed a drowning victim Sunday afternoon about 1:45; Dr. Fall Resigns College Position; The most destructive fire Albion has seen in months did thousands of dollars worth of damage in the Park Block about 5 o clock this morning.

May, 1919 Published April 28, 2019; Excellent Boxing and Wrestling Matches Staged by Wolverine Athletic Club with Local Talent; The Union Steel Products Co. will give employment to all returning soldiers who want work; Ed Gilmore, colored, will erect a two-story frame building in West Cass St.; Pennies are more in demand than dollars in these days of soda water taxes.

April 1919 Published March 31, 2019; Five Year Old Girl Saves Brother s Life; Curfew Will Be Enforced, Children Under 16 Must Be Home by 9 o clock or with Parents; Albion s new Carnegie Library will be thrown open to the public Thursday evening; Theophil Wawryozek, an Albion man has started proceedings in court to have his name changed to Theophil Shuster.

March 1919 Published February 24, 2019; Ninety years young tomorrow, Mrs. Ada S. [Grosvenor] Ranney; Duck Lake Will be Real Resort; Albion Township Nominates Women; Bullen Store has Big Anniversary; The City Council has raised the city rate five cents on a hundred dollars valuation.

February 1919 Published February 3, 2019; Local Plant Wants One Hundred Girls; The American colored problem and the Americanization of the Polish people will be discussed at the Methodist Church; Homer's new union depot is now nearing completion and is to be put into use about March 1; City Hospital Gets Liquor; The biggest Zulus Jazz band dancing party of the season will take place at the Eagle Temple.

January 1919 Published January 6, 2019; Tomorrow is soldiers movies day in Albion; The colored Baptist Church held an enjoyable banquet last evening at the Odd Fellows Hall; The banquet tendered by the Boy Scouts of Troop No. 1 to Troop No. 2 at the Methodist Church last evening was one of the finest boy events that Albion has had in many months; Have Chop Suey with us Saturday evening or perhaps you prefer to come down Sunday Evening. Chop Suey Restaurant, over Van Gorden's.

December 1918 Published December 2, 2018; Final Review of S.A.T.C. Saturday; Homer's influenza problem is assuming most alarming proportions; Albion to End Influenza Reign; Brigham Family Almost Wiped out; Corporal Lester Seekell is the first Albion soldier from overseas to be returned to civilian life; Ferdinand Stinekraus was born in Germany September 7, 1844, He enlisted in the Civil War in 1862 and served until he received his honorable discharge at the end of the War.

November 1918 Published October 28, 2018; Albion Recorder Nov 7, 1918 Headline depiction False Armistice Day, There is a feeling of unrest among the employees at the Albion Coal mine, There is going to be a gib time soon in one of the homes of Albion s colored settlement, Schools Closed at Noon Today because of influenza, Another Epidemic Threatening City

October 1918 Published September 30, 2018; Taps for Popular Albion Sailor Rex B. Stark, Albion is fast becoming a big city, Editor Gildart Passes Away, Albion has 100 Cases of Flu, Albion to Have a Union Depot.

September 1918 Published September 2, 2018; Photograph of Morning Star workers at W. Porter St. Few Albion People Drive Cars Sunday, An Adventist school was opened Monday, The plans for housing the members of the Student Army Training Corps have been completed, Rev. A. J. Leggett brought to the Recorder office a 1 lb. sweet potato, Patrick Leo Hanlon Killed in Action, Second Albion Boy Killed in Action, A second daughter of Albion will soon leave for France in service for her country.

August 1918 Published August 5, 2018; Photograph of Jack Howard Band. Benham Family Reunion, Stops Duck Lake Drinking Party, Boy Electrocuted on Third Rail, Dr. Dickie is Seriously Injured, Baby Killed by Michigan Railway, Booze Causes Auto Smash-Up, City Hospital out of Debt, The Hotel Albion will open its dining room Sunday noon after being closed for several weeks.

July 1918 Published July 1, 2018; Local Food Commissioner Clifford Smith nailed another violator of the food laws yesterday, The miners at the Albion Coal Mine are doing their bit toward averting the threatened coal famine, The Tuskegee Singers gave an entertainment at the M. E. Church, We have a menace in our midst in the form of the German language, Albion Man Gets Coat of Paint, After today slot machines in Albion will be a thing of the past.

June 1918 Published May 27, 2018; James McGuire of Albion has applied for the position of athletic director and instructor in baseball, Booze Raid in Homer Last Night, Chief of Police F. J. Hubbard registered 14 female German enemy aliens yesterday, Some of the colored population of Albion are preparing for a ball to be given at the Odd Fellows Hall, July 4.

May 1918 Published May 6, 2018; Photograph of Grandma Blakeley 100th Birthday of Grandma Blakeley, Postmaster W. R. Noyes is looking for the loan of an Italian flag to fly over the post office building, The Deyoe grocery store on Austin Ave. has changed hands, Class Four Men are Moved Up, The Boy Scouts of Troop No. 1 enjoyed a hike to Dunk s Cove last evening, Up to 1 o clock this afternoon no trace has been found of Napoleon Daniel, Albion Housewife Becomes New Woman, Dalrymple School Open to the Public.

April 1918 Published April 1, 2018; Fire Destroys Mine Buildings; Albion's Centenarian Juliet Calhoun Blakeley, whose 100th birthday comes next month, resided in Michigan when it was still a Territory; Bird Exhibit is Very Attractive; William J. Porr returned to Albion Wednesday evening from Los Angeles on a business trip; Willard Sebastian, injured in the dynamite explosion, was reported this noon as resting comfortably at the city hospital; First Albion Boy Wounded in Action; Former Albion Nurse Given Military Funeral; Dastardly Actions at Wright School; Albion Schools Drop German.

March 1918 Published March 4, 2018; Emery Mercer is Springport's first soldier boy to die while in the service of his country; Schneider Clothing Store is Sold; Albion Mine Strike Settled; John Klinkewich, a Polish citizen of Albion, is in receipt of a letter from three Polish friends who formerly lived in Albion; Residents on E. Erie St. are making efforts to oust the junk shop; A number of the children of the city are unable to go to school on account of not having shoes; A pretty sight this morning about 8:30 o'clock was a string of about 38 Oldsmobiles streaking south down Superior St.

February 1918 Published February 11, 2018; Albion is about to have a chop suey restaurant; Officers Make Big Booze Raid; The supply of fuel at the Central School building is entirely exhausted; The Albion coal mine strike is still unsettled; Postmaster Noyes registered eight German enemy aliens from the rural routes yesterday; One of the very earliest residents of our city has recently passed away, James Champion Eslow; The Albion mine strike nears the end of its fourth week with nothing definite accomplished in the way of a settlement.

January 1918 Published December 31, 2017; Splendid Program for Emancipation; The funeral services of William Priebe, Albion's first boy to meet death in the service of his country, were held Sunday; A secret service official was here from Battle Creek Sunday afternoon and with Deputy Sheriff George McCarty, arrested two Russians; The Albion Coal Mine company's office is besieged every day by calls for coal; Floyd Starr Makes Statement u8220 In regard to the divorce matter; Worst Storm in 35 Years; Will Register All German Aliens Here; At the Dalrymple School this morning, a spelling match took place between the 6th grade and the ungraded room.

December 1917 Published November 26, 2017; The Negro people of the city who are of the Baptist faith are building a new church on Culver St.; Carl Riddick of Lewistown, Montana is a guest of his father, Rev. Isaac Riddick; W. A. Knapp of Bay City was in Albion yesterday and today, on business at the Albion Coal Mine; The two Gilcrist boys of Homer, who have been terrorizing the community with nightly exploits, have been removed; Robbers Break into Hahn Store; Question Blanks Arrive Today; Big Celebration on Emancipation Day.

November 1917 Published October 29, 2017; Concord Bank Robbed of $18,000; Night School Will Begin Next Month; Albion coal mined north of the city at the Wolverine coal mine is finding a ready market in Battle Creek; War Fund Drive Starts Next Week.

October 1917 Published October 1, 2017; Photograph of Chain Dairies bottle cap. School board minutes: Lena Cable be hired to teach at the colored church; Albion Schools Are Still Crowded; Sammy's Smokes are on the Way to Trenches; Military Training for Albion High; Albion s Aliens Take More Bonds.

September 1917 Published September 3, 2017; Advertisement for Albion Bottling Works. Michael Magnotta and Nicholas Sorros have purchased the Keith Bottling Works; The Boy Scouts of Troop No. 2 of Albion rode their bicycles to Marshall Saturday afternoon; Albion May Face a Fuel Famine. No Coal Coming to the City and Stock on Hand Will Last Only a Short Time. No Relief in Sight.

August 1917 Published August 6, 2017; Draft Notice to be Mailed Friday; Roger Oliver, who was stabbed in a quarrel at the Hayes plant yesterday, is rapidly improving at the city hospital; Kindly have your money ready for the Recorder boy tomorrow morning; Mayor Hoaglin said that some of the colored people had suggested a separate school for the colored children; School Problem Confronts Trustees; The first brick on the new paved way between Albion and Marshall was laid this morning at Layher s corners.

July 1917 Published July 2, 2017; A speckled trout which measured 8 inches in length was caught by a boy named Austin Eckmeyer who was fishing below the dam at Dutchtown this morning; the Young Men s Business League will install the officers; Wolverine Troop No. 2 of the Boy Scouts went to North Adams yesterday and gave an exhibition at the 4th of July celebration; A small band of gypsies passed through the city early today; Italian Suspects Are Arrested Here.

June 1917 Published June 4, 2017; Census Theatre Friday June 1st A benefit for the Albion Branch of the Boy Scouts of America: The Adventures of a Boy Scout; 902 Young Men Register in Albion; New Post Office to Open Saturday; G.A.R. Gets Land Free in Cemetery; First Slacker [Note: Failed to register for the military draft] Arrested Here; Negro Killed in Fight at Dance.

May 1917 Published May 7, 2017; Free garden seeds; Eight Albion boys have already been accepted for service in the state mounted police; Stolen Pig Found Buried in Cellar; Skeleton Dug Up West of Albion; Dozen Boys Were Stealing Copper; K.D. Davis is just finishing up the taking of the school census.

April 1917 Published D; Carbolic Acid Fatal to Baby; Two cases of contagious diseases at the Central School discovered Friday; Officers Raid Two Places for Liquor; Mystery over Buried Babe; The new Chinese laundry on W. Cass St.; Red Cross Branch Formed in Albion; A very pleasant wedding occurred Wednesday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cuatt.

March 1917 Published February 26, 2017; A church for the use of the colored residents of the city is to be built at the southeast corner of Cass and Culver streets; The Wolverine Coal Mining Company has received permission to bring a locomotive; Big Elevator is to be Moved Soon; Lynn Bogue Hunt, the famous New York bird and animal painter and former resident of this city, has done some of the best work of his career in a little volume entitled "Important American Game Birds"

February 1917 Published January 29, 1917; The marriage of two young Polish people of this city, Miss Helen Kowalski, and Walter Waleyske, which occurred Tuesday in Jackson, was celebrated with much merry-making at the home of the bride s parents; A very pretty home wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bigelow on W. Mulberry St. Wednesday evening; Some of the colored men of the city are stating that before next summer they will have organized a brass band.

January 1917 Published January 1, 2017; Commercial Bank s Splendid New Building Opened to the Public; Eugene P. Robertson, president of the Albion State Bank, former Mayor of the city and one of the best-known Masons in the state, died Sunday afternoon; Over 80 spearing tents were pitched on the ice on Marengo pond Monday, the largest number ever seen there at one time; Negro Woman is Terribly Burned as the result of the explosion of an oil lamp.

December 1916 Published December 4, 2016; A fracas occurred at House No. 7 in the foreign colony Sunday night; Much Activity at Albion Coal Mine; A night school for the foreigners is to be started soon; Two Mexicans were arrested last night for an alleged attack on Tom Brazil, made during a free for all fight with knives; The Negro barber who has been conducting a shop on W. Porter St. expects to have to close his place after today.

November 1916 Published November 6, 2016; Arthur Tuchtenhagen Badly Shocked fixing an electric light, Many Negroes are coming to Albion to work in the factories, the brick work for the new Dalrylmple School is practically completed, George Bohm has purchased the Censor Theatre, Henry M. Dearing is practially a free man.

October 1916 Published October 2, 2016; Photograph of Stone Mill Offices in 1915. Levi S. Wild of Butte, Montana arrived in Albion, gigantic steel crane added to Albion Malleable Iron Company, Springport Woman Burned to Crisp, old Albion Milling Company office has been razed, Death of City's Grand Old Man Judge Robert Y. Finch

September 1916 Published August 28, 2016; Photograph of Secretary of State Offices in 2016. Large enrollment in City Schools; Opening of Herbert M. Brown's New Store; Truman Howe, who left Albion for the Civil War, returned to Albion and made inquiries about old friends; New Fire Truck in Commission.

August 1916 Published August 7, 2016; Photograph of Gale Manufacturing in 1920s. A series of conerts will be given by the city band; Five new santitary drinking fountains have been received by the city; The Boy Scouts are enjoying a camping expedition at Swain's Lake; Henry Conant was on the street wearing a vest over 70 years old.

July 1916 Published July 3, 2016; Photograph of the Albion Public School Board in 2016. Dynamiting Done Tuesday Night, Home Badly Damaged; Umbrella Mender Harry L. Casper killed near Devereaux; A city tennis club will be organized; Work started on new cement "Silent Policemen" to be placed at corners with high traffic.

June 1916 Published June 5, 2016; Bigger Quarters for State Bank; Albion Boy Graduates from West Point Academy; Albion Bolt Company incorporated for #10,000; 10 year old Russian boy "incorrigible" sent to Lansing; Creamery Burns Plant of Maple CIty Dairy Co. Destroyed; New Russian Orthodox Church is practically completed.

May 1916 Published May 1, 2016; Photograph of Dalrymple School Annexation Sign, April 5, 2016. The laying of the brick on the new Brown business block on S. Superior St. was commenced this morning; The drinking fountain for horses located at the corner of Michigan Ave. and Superior St. has been moved; Two Assyrians living on Charles St. had a fistic argument at their place of residence; The War hasn t prevented John Koseneski, age 23, and Rose Pinezuk, age 20, from marrying.

April 1916 Published April 3, 2016; The laying of the cornerstone of the new Post Office building; Another poker game was raided about two o clock Sunday morning; Four men arrested at House Number 1 for assault and battery at "The Black Mariah" all pleaded guilty; All of Superior St. Will Be Paved; Over 500 people, a large number of them Americans, were present at the laying of the cornerstone of the new Ascension of Christ Church of the Orthodox Greek Catholic faith.

March 1916 Published February 28, 2016; Jonesville recently captured a big automobile tire concern which in time will probably be hiring hundreds of men; The third car of stone for the new post office building arrived in the city Monday; Three Bay City men have agreed to invest $3,000 or more in the Calhoun County Coal Mining company; Final Dividend Ends Bank Affair; Commercial Hotel Raided Sunday. Four Men and Two Boys get Into Police Dragnet for Drunkenness. Two Go to Jail.

February 1916 Published February 7, 2016; Smallpox epidemic; Board Says $8,000 Too Much for new school building site; Homer Man Shot in Florida; Republicans Meet Without Albion; Leslie Quigg, 316 W. Washington St., saw a boy about to go under the ice that had broken through with him in the river back of the Quigg house Tuesday; blind pig raid on Monday night; Charles Quigg, of W. Center St., went violently insane Monday evening and was taken into custody.

January 1916 Published January 3, 2016; Roland Remley is New City Manager; Superintendent McKone Asked to Resign; Chicken Show is Big Success; Smallpox epidemic calls for a stricter quarantine; An alleged blind pig was raided in the old Eslow house.

December 1915 Published November 29, 2015; Former Eckford Man Raises Bees. There is money in honey; Palmer M. Dearing is a model prisoner; Census Shows Population of City is Approximately 8,000; Albion-Charlotte Northern Railway Company may extend through the rich Duck Lake section; City to Have Skating Rink.

November 1915 Published November 8, 2015; Albion College to Have New Sorority - Pierian Literary Society; Albion Night Schools Opened; Lynn Bogue Hunt of New York City is the guest of his sister; Old Mill Will Be Transformed; Albion Russian Back From Europe - Stefan Martinuk.

October 1915 Published September 27, 2015; No Water, House and Contents Burn; Brothers Still Unreconciled; Ground for the new Post Office was broken yesterday afternoon; Roy Armstrong is the first Albion individual to bring rat heads to the city clerk s office for the five cent bounty.

September 1915 Published August 30, 2015; Local Syndicate Buys Stone Mill; Marengo to Have Big Labor Day Celebration; Motorcycle Races Lightly Attended; More Bootleggers Are Rounded Up; School Buildings are Overcrowded; Louis Poppas of Chicago, a candy man of experience, Monday purchased the business of James A. Sarris.

August 1915 Published August 2, 2015; Frank Podiko blackened the eye of Nestor Kratsko in a passage at arms which occurred in the foreign settlement Tuesday; Censor Theatre Will Open Saturday; Sheriff Arrests Liquor Sellers; Wedding Party ends in Fight.

July 1915 Published July 5, 2015; 1934 Postcard of Washington Gardner High School. Girl Rescued from Drowning; Body of Drowned Italian Recovered; Albion to Receive Much School Money; Traffic posts, or silent policemen were ordered placed on three important corners of Superior St.; Alderman Main of the health committee, reported that the bathhouse in Dutchtown is in need of being cleaned; Horse Recovered, Italian Arrested; Farmer Abbott died as the result of injuries received when a savage bull attacked him in a field on his farm; Mrs. Kurtz Died a Terrible Death.

June 1915 Published June 14, 2015; Albion National Bank has begun garnishment proceedings against the City of Albion in the sum of $300; Two assault and battery cases were heard; J. A. Crittenden of Devereaux was suddenly stricken blind but has since recovered; G. H. Butler, the chief stockholder and promoter of the coal mine north of the city, is recovering from a nervous breakdown.

May 1915 Published May 10, 2015; Arrested on charges of sending threatening letters; Defendant had used a vile name in speaking of her before others at the foreign colony; Charged with attempted murder for trying to force carbolic acid down Miss Olive Stuart's throat during a lover s quarrel; Hotel Albion Changes Hands; Historic Van Atta Hotel Being Torn Down; New Building is Being Erected for Albion Garage Sales Agency.

April 1915 Published April 5, 2015; "I was married in a log-cabin about 5 miles north of town..." Vandals some time Saturday night caused great damage; For a fire alarm someone fired probably fifty shots with revolvers; Eckford Ballots Stolen in Marshall; Controversy over the erection of a pop-corn stand; Runaway accident in Marshall Friday afternoon driving a load of hay when the horses ran away and tipped the load over; City to Have New Movie House.

March 1915 Published March 1, 2015; Gas Company is Convicted; Organization of a People s (Unitarian) Society in Devereaux; Joseph Marquis has purchased the pool and lunch room of C. I Dell; Park Commission Likes Dickie Site; Death Comes to Dr. O Donoughue; Willard R. Noyes received his omission as postmaster of Albion today. The document is signed by President Woodrow Wilson.

February 1915 Published February 1, 2015; If Jesus were an Albion Voter; Fall Kills Aged Mrs. Sarah Sharp; Albion-Charlotte Road Sold Today; Dr. F. C. Demorest s Useful Life Ends.

January 1915 Published December 28, 2014; Someone broke into the ticket office of the Detroit Toledo & Mackinaw depot at Eckford Tuesday night; Residents of Mechanic St. will benefit by a recent order of the common council which will provide for one hundred watt tungsten lights; Malleable Installs First-Aid Room; A shooting affair that occurred Friday evening at the home of George Miner; Laborer Killed at Malleable.

December 1914 Published November 30, 2014; City Dads Remove Popcorn Stands; Science Building Campaign Closes Tonight With Big Meeting at the Club-House; Lineman Falls. Is Badly Hurt; Devereaux Man Accidentally Shot. James D. Hicks; Several Men Injured by Knife-Wounds, Keep Officers Busy Saturday Night.

November 1914 Published October 26, 2014; Chicken Party to be Repeated; Hospital Receives Vegetables; Little Miss Gaetana Daleo, 15 years old, married Cesare Palozzolo by elopement; Charles R. Gildart, Received Appointment to Cadetship at West Point; The Albion-Charlotte Northern Railway Company filed articles of incorporation last week.

October 1914 Published September 28, 2014; The Starr Home Needs Your Help; The W.C.T.U. restaurant will open again for business tomorrow morning ; man under arrest because he objects to having the teacher say morning prayer in the Ceresco school; two cases of Scarlet Fever have kept children from attending the West Ward School.

September 1914 Published September 7, 2014; Photograph of N. Albion Street bridge collapse in 1914 Traction Engine Goes Into River; a member of the foreign settlement charged for using indecent language; 20,000 March in G.A.R. Parade; Foreign Colony to have Church; John Mingo in very serious condition; Albion Germans to Meet Again.

August 1914 Published August 3, 2014; Swimming Pool Being Prepared; Don Bennett took a number of views of the Starr Commonwealth Friday morning; There is no Russian-Austrian dissension in Albion; At least one Albion man is glad he is a citizen of this country to avoid being mixed up in the big European war; The Eckford Improvement League has made arrangements for a big gala day celebration in that village Friday of this week.

July 1914 Published June 29, 2014; The church-yard of St. James Episcopal Church was wired today for electric lights; Notice to Fishermen, fishing from any of the city bridges is strictly prohibited; Albion Boy Saves Lives of Showmen; Municipal Bath House for Albion; Ministers sons are no good as husbands.

June 1914 Published June 1, 2014; The quarantine has been removed from a home on E. Cass St. after an attack of diphtheria; Disregarded city ordinance- A Greek ice cream peddler was arrested; Riverside Abbey, Albion s new mausoleum, was dedicated on Decoration Day; Louis Croning was charged with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder for using an axe and a revolver in threatening to take the life of Mr. McGuire.

May 1914 Published April 27, 2014; Representatives of the Aunt Ellen Pickle Company were in the city yesterday; Mirror Company Moves to Kalamazoo; Auto and M.U.T. (Michigan United Traction Company) Smash at Newburg; Albion Boy has a Narrow Escape, Henry Asaro, the 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Asaro, will never go fishing again on a railroad bridge, he was caught in the middle of the Lake Shore bridge by a passenger train (he sustained minor injuries).

April 1914 Published April 13, 2014; Photograph of the 1914 Washington Gardner GAR Badge Hon. Washington Gardner, commander-in-chief of the G.A.R. passed final judgment Monday on the design for badges for the delegates to the national encampment; Tuesday, March 31, was a big day at Bullen s Big Busy Store, the 20th anniversary of the entrance of George T. Bullen into Albion s business circles; Democrats take all but three city offices; Albion Churchmen are Wage Earners.

March 1914 Published March 2, 2014; Casket Company May Come Here; A Kentucky cardinal presented a concert Tuesday; Albion Coal Mine Idle at Present; A hunt is being conducted for a former section man on the M.U.T. who left his wife and child at their Center St. home, saying he was going downtown to pay the grocery bill, and has not been seen since.

February 1914 Published February 2, 2014; Superior St. Needs Repaving; All Albion Went to Church Sunday. The Everybody-go-to-church plan; Lincoln s birthday was not observed in any special way in Albion; Income Tax Man Visits Albion; Phone Company Simply Bluffing.

January 1914 Published December 29, 2013; Albion Getting Too "Wide Open," Albion is getting a name about the state; The Russian Christmas is being observed by the members of that nationality in the local foreign settlement; The Bijou Theatre was packed Monday afternoon during the showing of a series of films illustrating the making of wire fence; Are You Going to Church Sunday?

December 1913 Published December 8, 2013; Photograph of the Eagle Parade; Ducking Costs Them Dear; Floyd Starr s home at Mt. Calm Lake, filed articles of association with County Clerk Cady; Fred Wojnovich playfully tapped Peter Kedo over the head with a beer bottle Christmas day.

November 1913 Published November 3, 2013; Photograph of the Sheep Massacre; The greatest need of the city of Albion today is a competent policewoman; Dragged Under Wagon; Dairy Inspector Finds Dirty Milk; Big Eagle Fair Opens December 1; Albion will have another Chinese student.

October 1913 Published October 6, 2013; Photograph of the Remodeling the interior of the Bohm Theatre; The Albion Oxygen Decarbonizer now being manufactured here; The Albion Chemical Works is being moved to the new quarters; City May Have Splendid Park (eventually will be known as Victory Park).

September 1913 Published September 1, 2013; Photograph of a crack in the base of the flagpole near the Band Shell in Victory Park; Grand Army of the Republic members gather here for the annual encampment; Post Office Site is Re-Adjusted; New Boys Home at Mont Calm Lake (eventually will be known as the Starr Commonwealth).

August 1913 Published August 4, 2013; Work on Albion's mausoleum, which is to be erected at Riverside Cemetery, was started; The swimming-pool committee, together with the public grounds and buildings committee held a conference Friday, with the result that it was decided to finish off two or three of the new city sheds in the market place for a bath-house.

July 1913 Published July 7, 2013; Centennial Farm photograph; Water Supply Not Adequate; Albion Theatres Need More Exits: the Airdome, the Princess and the Bijou; the tragic death of Mrs. James Clifford Smith; Miss Jeanette Timberlake of Aberdeen, North Dakota, is visiting her parents.

June 1913 Published June 2, 2013; A ten-year contract with the Commonwealth Power Company; Mrs. Edward Knickerbocker died at Eckford station; Elmer Juckett bitten by a rattlesnake; Wesley Irma Dorris of Detroit drove to Albion in his his newly invented "Cyclecar"; All persons having weeds on their premises are requested to get them cut at once.

May 1913 Published April 28, 2013; Photograph circa 1950s of a Centennial Farm; George Dearing Gets Five Years in the house of correction for abstracting funds from his father s bank at Albion; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Starr, a daughter, Margaret Louise; Walter Grant has an interesting display of photographs of the members of the local GAR post; Albion came in for a write-up in the Christian Science Monitor, the great Boston daily.

April 1913 Published March 31, 2013; A very pleasing recital was given in the college chapel last evening by Miss Nema Phipps; George V. Dearing Found Guilty of misappropriating funds; The Parma creamery burned to the ground Sunday; A decision of the attorney general will decide whether Calhoun County is to be wet or dry these next two years; America has been losing ground for the last 25 years on the subject of Sabbath Observance; Albion probably has well over 8,000 people today.

March 1913 Published March 3, 2013; Photograph from the Flood of 1908; Albion Boy Saw Inauguration of Woodrow Wilson at the national capitol Tuesday; East-bound Michigan United Interurban car jumped into a horse while traveling full speed between Marshall and Albion; Frank E. Nowlin celebrated the opening of his new elevator, the biggest jollification for the farmers of this vicinity in years; A terrific wind storm, which struck the city early this morning, caused damage which will easily amount to $10,000.

February 1913 Published February 3, 2013; House and Senate bills provide against the union of whites with negroes or Mongolians; Mrs. Albert Pahl was instantly killed by the southbound train on the Lake Shore; Mrs. E. A. Ismon was struck by a Michigan Central train; Charles Calhoun Blakeley was badly injured some time ago when an elevator in which he was a passenger broke loose and fell several stories.

January 1913 Published December 30, 2012; Photograph of 1967 construction of Burger Chef, currently location of new business Biggby Coffee shop; new bakery opens on West Porter Street; David A. Garfield returns to Albion State Bank; Charles X. Guyselman will start the practice of Chiropractic; Albion Malleable Iron Company now pouring over 80 tons of iron every day.

December 1912 Published December 9, 2012; Growing Up In Albion book cover; Mass meeting of depositors of Albion National Bank to meet at Opera House; Daniel W. Connors passed away; Sheriff gets call about dead young man found some weeks ago (October 1912); Sad Christmas for one Albion family after daughter falls under wagon; one-legged man arrested for begging; Robert Wiener of Odessa, Russia, arrived in Albion, brother of Norman Wiener.

November 1912 Published November 11, 2012; Book cover Growing Up In Albion; Albion National Bank failure emerges; Miss Ethel Bedient addresses National Progressive meeting at Sonoma; coal mine resumes active operations four miles north of Albion; Daniel McAuliffe returns to Albion for a surprise visit after 25 year absence; Foreigner Tried to Leave Albion.

October 1912 Published September 30, 2012; Photograph of Charles and Bessie Taylor, 50th Wedding Anniversary; former Mayor Owen Brownell was in the city concerning the manufacture of bread wrappers for large bakeries; unidentified dead young man found at Grover Depot (SE of Homer); First Bull Moose Rally in Albion; Cook Manufacturing COmpany settlement reached.

September 1912 Published August 26, 2012; Photograph of 50th wedding anniversary couple Charles and Nettie Brownell; Two more teachers for the public schools are made necessary by the increased attendance this year over last; Noted Wrestler Coming to Albion. Manager George Hahn of the Wolverine Athletic club, has been in communication with Burt Ribbey, one of the best known middle-weight wrestlers in the middle west; New Building for the College.

August 1912 Published July 29, 2012; Photograph of 50th wedding anniversary couple George and Luella (Clawson) Deyoe; Mrs. Apolona Amaluk, by name, came running downtown Tuesday afternoon, her infant in her arms and tears running down her cheeks. She went into the Rosenthal store, and weepingly stated that the baby had been killed, the infant, which had only been unconscious, was restored to consciousness; Miss Addie Hollon, completed her term of four months in the Detroit House of Correction.

July 1912 Published July 1, 2012; Photograph of 50th wedding anniversary couple Bernhard "Ben" and Bertha Kabel; To Consider the Oiling of Streets. Common Council will investigate matter of dust abatement at suggestion of civic league; Library Closed for Two Months due to lack of funds; Black Ditch Sewer Well Under Way; According to farmers in the immediate vicinity of Albion, the peach crop this year is a total loss. Heavy frosts and a late spring are said to be the cause of the big loss.

June 1912 Published June 3, 2012; Photograph of 50th wedding anniversary couple Amelia and William Moss; Harry Ellerby, of this city, will play third base for the Springport Shamrocks this year, as he has done for several years past, Clem Frye and Dean Thompson, two Albion boys, had a very narrow escape Sunday when riding their bicycles to Homer; Civic League Against Spitting. Mrs. Walker, the speaker of the evening, laid great stress on the necessity of enforcing the anti-spitting ordinance as a preventative of the spread of disease.

May 1912 Published April 29, 2012; Ex-Mayor Tired of Paying Alimony, asks court to relieve him from paying $2 weekly to ex-wife, improper Conduct alleged; President Taft May Pardon Miss Hollon. President Taft will be asked to pardon Miss Addie Hollon, for her part in the failure of the Albion National Bank; Max Rutz was completely surprised when his friends and neighbors stepped in Saturday evening to help him celebrate his birthday anniversary; Albion Boys' Art Atracts Attention: Lynn Bogue Hunt.

April 1912 Published April 1, 2012; Photograph: The house at the corner of W. Erie and S. Albion; Theodore Roosevelt stopped in Albion for about one minute Saturday, Dearings Sentenced to Five Years at Leavenworth Prison, Year in Prison for Miss Hollon, Another Farm Residence Burns, Jury Acquits Frank Darrow, Trees in front of Central School to be cut.

March 1912 Published March 4, 2012; High School Boys Knife Instructor, Gas Company to Enlarge Plant, M.U.R. Becomes M.U.T. Company, Receiver Garfield in Full Charge, Orlando C. Gale Died Thursday Night, Homer C. Blair sells drug Business, Mark Merriman Buys Prouty Plant, 1,500 People Visit Mounteer Bakery, A jury will hear the case of Thomas J. Short of Convis verses William H. Hakes of Eckford.

February 1912 Published February 12, 2012; Photograph: Tombstone of Mary Russell Warner at Riverside Cemetery; The Albion City Council last evening absolved City Treasurer W. J. Morse, E.J. Moon, father of Louis Moon of this city, passed away, the ancient Williamson Blacksmith shop went up in flames Wednesday night, James T. McGuire is to be with the Detroit Tigers.

January 1912 Published January 8, 2012; Austin School Admirable Building, Missing Albion Student Re-appears, Charles Calhoun Blakeley is the recipient of a handsome gold headed cane by "The Travelers of the West," A marriage license has been issued to Henry Rutz and Floy Brandt, both of Albion.

THE 1912 ALBION NATIONAL BANK FAILURE Published December 31, 2011; Picture: Headlines of the Albion Evening Recorder, January 2, 1911; It was exactly 100 years ago this month that Albion was shocked with the worst financial disaster in its history: the failure of the Albion National Bank at 12:15 a.m. on Monday, January 1, 1912.

December 1911 Published November 27, 2011; Photograph: unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photo from probably the early 1960s (subsequently identified as Floyd W. (1884-1971) and Ethel (Murray) (1889-1971) Dean); A monument to the memory of Honorable Jesse Crowell was completed, A.J. Brosseau has purchased the Hartung farm, Homer's new water system is in the courts already, The Hotel Albion was sold Saturday, The annual reunion of the Adams family was held Christmas day, U.S. Bank Examiner Herbert E. Johnson, in a routine inspection, uncovers a $325,000 forgery scheme at the Albion National Bank instituted by the cashier, Henry Montgomery Dearing.

November 1911 Published October 30, 2011; Frank Darrow has perfected a folding reel for drying fishing line, Two marriage licenses in which the girl gave her age as 16 were secured at the county clerk s office in Marshall on Wednesday, Passing of Albion Pioneer: Mrs. Julia (Peabody) Crane, The Albion City Hospital will not close its doors.

October 1911 Published October 2, 2011; The Unidentified 50th Anniversary Couple turns out to be Clement and Susan (Wood) Scribner; The ghost of the old Albion-Duck Lake electric railway is still haunting the community, The school at Duck Lake known as the north brick school will probably have to be closed.

September 1911 Published August 28, 2011; Photograph of Pre-Historic Megalodon Shark Tooth from Wilmington NC, Coal Mine Near Albion, Sons of Veterans Will Organize, Albion Woman Killed at Petoskey, Wanted: Bright, intelligent girls for Albion City Hospital Training School, Arrested Duck Lake Gamblers, Little Robert Dearing fell from the porch of the home of Robert Baldwin, Stores were visited by burglars.

August 1911 Published July 31, 2011; Photograph of Nikodemas "Mike" Kulikauskas, Cleaning Works a Total Loss, Albion Post Office Site Chosen, Training School at City Hospital, Foreigner Mangled by Two Trains, The fire department has a new member.

July 1911 Published July 3, 2011; Friday evening was the date set for the hearing of protests against the paving of Michigan Ave. from Superior to Mingo Sts. with macadam and the construction of the combined curb and gutters therein, Sealed proposals for heating and ventilating of the new Charles F. Austin School, These scorching days cause large demands to be made upon the city waterworks, Albion people see coronation, While at work scalding hogs at the Talmage & Bauer slaughterhouse east of the city Monday afternoon, Frank Trunzer slipped and fell backwards into a tank of boiling water.

June 1911 Published June 5 2011; Robert Cascarelli received another letter in Italian and signed by the "Black Hand" seeking protection payments, The Theatorium, Homer s five cent theatre was closed Thursday evening, Robert Clyde Gildart was made a second lieutenant of the United States Army, Grandma Cady Passes Beyond, Moses Zabell, proprietor of the Zabell summer resort at Duck Lake died Friday night.

May 1911 Published May 1, 2011; McGuire Resigns from Cleveland American League Baseball club, The Albion School Board voted to name the new North Ward School building the Charles F. Austin School, Benzine Buggies on Exhibition, Wolverine Train Stops at Albion, Unknown Man Attempts Assault on College Girl, Photograph of accidental electrocution of John I. Miller, a lineman in the employ of the Commonwealth Power company, Charles R. Mains Still Held in Asylum, Every member of the G.A.R. who desires to be remembered after final muster out is requested to be at Riverside Cemetery at promptly 10 o clock a.m. Saturday.

April 1911 Published March 27, 2011; Photograph of Albion Water Warriors posing at Gangs Lake. Dead Man Drawn on Jury, Aeroplane Factory Near Albion, About thirty-three from this city saw Billie Burke at the Athenaeum in Jackson Tuesday night, Albion s first annual automobile show, Lee, the mysterious proprietor of the Chinese Hand Laundry on W. Cass St. is on the rampage again.

March 1911 Published February 27, 2011; Grandma Cady is 95 years old today, Eagles Serve Muskrat Dinner, pastor of the Wesleyan church placed a large chain and padlock on the church and refused to allow L. E. Stewart to speak at a local option meeting, The Albion Socialists met in caucus in their hall over the Howard Meat Company market Tuesday.

February 1911 Published February 6, 2011; Photograph of ducks inspecting bridge to Riverside Cemetery. Is prohibition the remedy for the liquor evil? The formation of the Albion Business Men s Protective Association, a wild pig chase on Superior St. Tuesday -- A sleek young porker broke loose.

January 1911 Published January 2, 2011; Big Explosion at Gas Works; Arthur Wheat, a mere boy of 17 years is alleged to have passed forged checks to the amount of $40; Could Have Started a Store. Young Arthur Wheat, check forger, was a purchaser of a healthy layout for himself and sweetheart; With the excavating for a cellar under the Albion National Bank building [Note: the north half of Fedco], the workmen are bringing bits of ancient history to light, solid oak logs, the last relics of Albion s first industry.

December 1910 Published November 28, 2010; The Gay School district gave a surprise party Monday evening to Julius and Donald Rutz who are moving from the neighborhood; George Cutting and Roy Hoffman of Eckford were arrested on a charge of digging muskrats out of a bank, changed their plea and each paid a fine and costs of $5.75; Opera House to be Remodeled; A committee of citizens met in the Leisure Hour club Thursday evening and discussed the Boy Scout situation in this city.

November 1910 Published November 7, 2010; Residents on W. Erie are complaining of a general spirit of vandalism on the part of the younger generation in that neighborhood; New Postmaster Started Tuesday: Dr. A. D. Bangham declares that Albion s public buildings are in good condition and commends the city upon its thriftiness in general; Clarence W. Sellers of Battle Creek now proposes to raise muskrats, and for this purpose has fenced in a pond with a close meshed fence and placed 100 muskrats in the enclosure.

October 1910 Published October 3, 2010; Clarence Township (Duck Lake) Death: Was it murder or was it suicide? There is no direct evidence against anyone; Gas Plant employee suffered a severe burn on his face; Editor Sibley of the Springport Signal suffered a slight stroke of paralysis yesterday; There are 55 non-resident pupils in the public schools.

September 1910 Published September 5, 2010; City Will Experiment with Oil Furnished by Dr. Samuel Dickie, Albion Boys Have Organized Scouts, I.O.O.F. Temple to be Dedicated, The entire city of Albion should be taxed for a new hospital, wife of a well known and well-to-do farmer residing in Clarence Township, committed suicide by taking Paris green Sunday afternoon, L.B. Wickham has decided to add a fourth chair to his barbershop and expects the new member will be installed by Monday.

August 1910 Published August 1, 2010; Digging the original skating pond photograph, Charles Idle charged with bootlegging, Irma Dorris claims confession about stealing two automobiles false, 13 year old boy almost dies from sucking gasoline from red can, new phone system, Democrats attempt to shut off student vote.

July 1910 Published June 27, 2010; Irma Dorris, charged with taking two automobiles, demanded an examination in Detroit; Delta Tau Delta fraternity has rented the new Wilder house; two foreigners with unspeakable names were slightly injured at the Malleable works this forenoon; Mrs. Fisher, who resides at 503 W. Chestnut St., is wondering where her son John Fisher has gone, and local officers rather believe that he is following after Robinson s circus.

June 1910 Published May 30, 2010; Farmhouse Burns Near Duck Lake; Jess Tuthill found in Montcalm Lake late Saturday night; Pardon Signed for Charles R. Mains; Albion to get new post office; Marshal Cooper has two gangs of men at work on the streets of the city; Battle Creek. Free Methodist or Baseball Fan?

May 1910 Published April 25, 2010; Photograph of the new Gwen Dew engraved brick at Veteran s Memorial Stage at Riverside Cemetery. The Clarendon Post Office was discontinued by the post office department; The next fad of the Calhoun County hunter will be fox hunting unless the pests are thinned out some other way; Mrs. Myron Sine and children left yesterday for their home in Jamestown, North Dakota after a visit with Albion relatives.

April 1910 Published March 28, 2010; Albion Boy an Inventor: Irma Dorris, an Albion High School student; Bullen's Big Busy Store's Annual Opening Sale of Ladies' Muslin Underwear will begin Saturday Morning April 16; Next Friday, the 15th, Uncle Sam will begin the numbering of children in preparation for the 13th Census; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Kabel of Hartwell St., April 19, a daughter.

March 1910 Published February 28, 2010; Photograph of bridge by Union Steel; New Fire Gong, progress in struggle against Scarlet Fever; Albion Man Wants Adrian Wife; Ex-Postmaster Drops Dead, Prominent Democrat of Springport Dropped dead this morning. Was 71 years of age; Something Doing in Quiet Parma at the Opera House; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dmetrik, of the Malleable Russian settlement, March 18, a boy.

February 1910 Published February 7, 2010; Admission cards have been issued to candidates for the positions of census enumerators in this vicinity; Friday evening a party of high school students from Homer came to Albion via a bobsled and enjoyed the evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Harmon Eslow; Albion May Have New Arch Lights; Mr. Laurence Wiederwax of this city, and Miss Tina Wilbur of Homer were united in marriage Thursday, February 3 at the home of Rev. C. E. Huffer.

January 1910 Published January 3, 2010; Questions of Census Man: "Are you married? Have you any children? Is your mother-in-law living with you?" A Lake Shore railroad crossing between this place and Condit was very nearly the scene of a tragedy last Thursday.

December, 1909 Published December 6, 2009; Photograph of cast from the 1941 thespian play entitled "The Imaginary Invalid," held at the high school auditorium. Henry M. Dearing went to Jonesville Friday, Floyd Trine found guilty, Sudden Death of Marcellus Warner, May Bring Down Federal Wrath, Michael McClaska brought to justice.

November, 1909 Published November 1, 2009 Frank's surprising Divi Divi adventure, Marengo Students Prefer Albion, Wife deserter gets two years, Man Falls from Electric Bridge, Three Russians with unpronounceable names left between days, Homer Man is Convicted of option law for riding with Albion colored girl.

October, 1909 Published October 11, 2009 A Dream that is Shattered: the fairgrounds property sold, Albion Firemen Proud of Horses, Albion Man Fell 30 Feet, bicycle riders agitated by the poor condition of the streets, Fortune May Await Albion Man, Broom Factory Starts Work, Mains May Get Pardon.

September, 1909 Published August 30, 2009; Mr. Otto Pahl has traded his home for a farm, the new West Eckford Methodist Church has been completed; Devereaux has taken a boom; the Coliseum Skating rink will be open for skating season; the case of the people Vs. George Mindeman went to the jury late Monday afternoon; can a man be a Victor and a victim at the same time?

August, 1909 Published July 26, 2009; Robert Weiderwax served papers for serving beer, Mrs. Henry Norris shot by William Hoy, annual reunion of the 2nd Michigan Cavalry will be held at Albion, a cement culvert to be built across the ?black ditch" on the Dalrymple Boulevard, new reservoir for the city pumping station on Cass St. is nearing completion, city scales have been declared out of order.

July 1909 Published June 28, 2009; Alderman Conrad recommended that the old fountain in front of the National Bank be raised to the sidewalk level and the hole filled in, Former Albion Man Suicides, Albion is to have an Airdome, funeral services of Mrs. Rose Shuart, the first white child born in Marengo Township.

June 1909 Published June 7, 2009; Homer Doctor Not Guilty of arson and insurance fraud charges, Lee Jue is improving from a wound in his arm and will soon be able to resume work, the new city directories are out and the population is placed at 5,999; Prof. Floyd Langworthy, who has been teaching at Burr Oak for several years, has secured a position as science teacher in Albion High School.

May 1909 Published April 26, 2009; Liquor Dealers Soaked; William Leonard, charged with running a blind pig at Duck Lake; Mr. C. M. Bacon of Bemidji, MN, is visiting with old friends in this city; "boyish pranks?

April 1909 Published April 5, 2009; Hospital Assured for Albion; Ed Lewis, the biggest man in Michigan, was in the city Tuesday; Hahn Brothers are now prepared to shine shoes for ladies or gentlemen

March 1909 Published March 1, 2009; Half a Century in Insane Asylum, Emily Pierce of Marengo is Dead; the people vs. Fred Bertwaldt, of Clarence, charged with using profane language in the presence of women and children, was dismissed; Springport Bank Will Be Reopened

February 1909 Published February 1, 2009; L.B. Wickham is moving his barber shop, slight explosion at the college chemical laboratory, muskrat larceny, undersized perch condemned at market; Seth Hyney, who has been connected with the First National Bank and later with the Albion National Bank, as assistant cashier for nearly ten years, has tendered his resignation

January 1909 Published December 28, 2008; Photograph of the Cascarelli children ca. 1910, business opens in new location; Russian Christmas celebrated by 60 Russians and Poles at the Albion Malleable Iron Company; West Eckford Methodist Church Burned to the ground; Homer Doctor is Arrested for arson of his wife's millinery store; Parma Bank short $30,000

December 1908 Published November 30, 2008; Many Marriages, including Klimkiewicz and Romanowski, Gardner and Kerr, Kregar and Hahn, Murray and Dean; Russians Get Into the retail liquor Game; The Coliseum Roller Rink opens, featuring Richardson ball bearing skates; Springport State Bank Closed - former cashier arrested.

November 1908 Published October 26, 2008; Large registration in Albion. 1,428 voters registered in this city Friday and Saturday. Donald Bullen walked backwards into the hole in front of the National Bank Monday and received a severe blow to the head. A beautiful little black animal with a white strip down its back and a bushy tail was the cause of great excitement Monday evening.

October 1908 Published September 28, 2008; Photograph of the 2008 A-Maizing Corn Harvest Pin; Rev. Irl Hicks has just handed out his bunch of weather for October. Albion Hotel man guilty of selling liquor without a license, a test shows soft drink "Malt Mead" contains alcohol. A small lake is being built in the Riverside Cemetery by Sexton Otto Pahl. Two hoboes broke into the Babcock School house Sunday night.

September 1908 Published August 31, 2008; Jesse Crowell Memorial Meeting. Smoke Cloud over City. Parma Bank Closes Doors. Pickpockets Make Good Hauls. WANTED: Women to pick beans, start picking Thursday. FOR SALE: A single buggy harness nearly new. BOARD AND ROOM. Home cooking.

August 1908 Published August 3, 2008; At the Free Methodist conference at Ypsilanti, the report of the committee on reform declared against Sunday desecration by excursions, baseball games and Sunday papers, the open saloon, low necked and peek-a-boo waist dresses and also recommended that the churches pay better salaries to the preachers; Farmer's Picnic A Big Day.

July 1908 Published July 6, 2008; Mad Dog Scare. Large Dog Bites Several Others; Next week the dog warden will call on the owners of the canine and demand the annual tax, Albion post office will have their annual salaries increased by $100 beginning July 1.

June 1908 Published June 1, 2008; Two Russians were arrested on a charge of disregarding our marriage laws, Gypsy Tribe Visits Albion, The Misses Maizie and Georgia Goodenow will entertain with a weekend party at the Goodenow cottage at Gull Lake.

May 1908 Published May 4, 2008; Endurance Run Passes Through City, Mayor McAuliffe Roughly Handled, Mayor McAuliffe Under Arrest: "I'll admit I did use some strong language, but I did not use the words cited in the complaint, and I'll fight the case to the Supreme Court before I plead guilty,? Russians Again Break Loose.

April 1908 Published April 6, 2008; Digging for gold in Albion, Albion Saloon Man Arrested, Sheriff Graham states that he deems it necessary to put a check on the abuse of the privilege of visiting prisoners at the county jail

March 1908-THE GREAT FLOOD Published March 2, 2008; Photograph of the east bridge on E. Erie St., four buildings go to ruin; the story of Tom McAuliffe's narrow escape; Bob Cascarelli, the Fruit Store Man; Superior St. over the sunken bridge presents a busy scene.

February, 1908Published February 3, 2008; The electric road has been badly tied up this week by the heavy snow (60 inches); Murdered in the South: Colored College Student's brother victim of Race Prejudice; Frank A. Kulp of Battle Creek spoke on the principles of Socialism at The Socialist Hall.

January 1908 Published December 30, 2007; Photograph of Linden Avenue during the 1908 Flood; Fred Colmenter's horse ran away Saturday morning; Mrs. Lua Miller has purchased the Temple Theatre; Nine New Cases of Small-Pox Reported at Marengo Today.

December 1907 Published December 2, 2007; Hoss Case Holds Interest: Must a man tell the truth and nothing but the truth in a hoss trade? Accidently Shot by Neighbor, while hunting on the Ball farm south of the city; George Mitchell played the part of the true Santa Claus during the Christmas time this year.

November 1907 Published November 11, 2007; Eagle Lodge Plans Benefits, Springport Post Office Robbed, Morris Richardson ran away with a band of gypsies this last summer, Another Homer sensation has flattened out: The jury in the case of Henry Rogers vs. Fred Mayer decided that there was no cause for action.

October 1907 Published October 14, 2007; Photograph of 2007 A-Maize-ing pin; Albion Woman Selling Liquor; Man pleads guilty to running a slot machine in his Duck Lake resort; Albion is not a sympathetic place for tramps; Burned by Exploding Oil; Olivet 73, Albion 0

September 1907 Published September 2, 2007; Grover Cleveland takes first prize for his cucumbers, one weighed two pounds and was a foot long; Peacemaker Russian Woman prevents a deadly beating; Iron Hand Reaches Duck Lake.

August 1907 Published August 5, 2007; The Dog Pound is Established; Long Suffering Residents Along the Black Ditch Take Hope Again; A fire alarm was sent in from Hurley Austin's property, a bucket brigade of the Italian Band which plays for the Carnival this week had the fire under control.

July 1907 Published July 1, 2007; Official MDOT map at the Marshall rest stop; Daughters of Africa and Italy fall and Break Left Arms; a Russian at the Malleable Iron Tried to Run Over the Interpreter; W.W. Osmun has sold his milk business; Cement Sidewalk damaged, Clews left in cement; Wicked Marshall.

June 1907 Published June 3, 2007; George Mindeman Aluminum Token; Railroad promoter is arrested; New Malleable plant open; Young man suddenly dies; Motion Picture Co. vs. the Methodist church; assault and battery, will be careful in the future how he tosses his fellow men around.

May 1907 Published April 29, 2007; Rev. Shannon breaks down, Nervous Strain Too Much; Clean Up Day A Success, Albion is a Spotless Town Now; Albion Pioneer Passes On, Charles Dalrymple; Roosevelt in Albion.

April 1907 Published April 1, 2007; Two Albion Boys are Successful appointees to West Point; A special Lake Shore depot train will leave for Springport with 75 full-fledged Eagles on board; The peach crop may be safe, but the recent cold spells have utterly shattered all hope of even an average frog crop.

March 1907 Published March 4, 2007; Photo of Clarence Township Dog Tag 1903; Augustus J. Gale moves to California, Arthur H. Dew expands floral business, James McGuire joins the New York Americans baseball team, new music store opens, trouble at the Malleable.

February 1907 Published February 4, 2007; Photo of The Key to the City of Albion; Coach Brewer Raps Albion, new business: The Albion Elastic Caster Company, liquor law violations, Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed while wintry winds whined weirdly...

January 1907 Published December 31, 2006; Killed by the Electric, Street Car Statistics, Stole from Countrymen, Escape from County Jail, First Case Against Saloonists, New Railroad Taking Shape.

December 1906 Published November 26, 2006; Evangelist David E. Reed of Albion is coming to our town, McDonald Model Laundry closed its doors, Another Strike is Declared, Death of Mrs. Arthur Dew, a Christmas beef became frightened and injured itself.

November, 1906 Published October 29, 2006; New flowing well in the Market Place completed, Albion-Charlotte railroad proposition revived, Dr. Dickie Gives Address and Saloon keepers violate law, Albion High Defeats Marshall: A Fast Snappy Game Played on Winter-Lau Field

October 1906 Published October 8, 2006; Busy month: divorce, murder trial, death of Mrs. Stone, illegal muskrat trappers arrested on Spectacle Lake, new downtown bowling alley, water cure for insanity, flowing well in Market Place planned, dog overturns duck hunter's boat

September 1906 Published September 17, 2006; Brutal Deed of School Boy, John H. Wiselogel has invented a machine to cook pancakes and ice cream cones, study the peculiar habits and infant life of the mosquito on W. Porter St.

August 1906 Published August 6, 2006; Photograph and obituary of George Hannahs, Central School building unsafe, The Flying Order of Ducks may Erect a Club House at the Lake, Union Steel Screen Trouble, Woman Falls and Cuts Wrist

July 1906 Published July 2, 2006; The case of Sylvanus Soules, Smoking Among Boys Censured, Sea Serpent at Duck Lake, Dog Warden Frank Hoyt shot and killed Molly Chatfield's dog Friday

June 1906 Published June 4, 2006; Photograph of the opening of Dutchtown for the 1954 season, Modern Woodmen Must Pay Up, Miss Gwendolyn Dew celebrated her 3rd birthday, cannon and shells for C. Colegove Post arrived today, bad accident at Malleable

May 1906 Published on May 7, 2006; Aid sent for San Francisco earthquake recovery, Warrant out for Pastor, Benjamin Baxter Bissell laid to rest, health advice for long life

April 1906 Published on April 2, 2006; 1954 photograph of Bob Abbott at his desk; Man Killed by Live Wire, Burglars At Work Again, Mystery of Land Sale, E.P. Burrell Dropped Dead, Several Albionites in California, escaped injury from earthquake

March 1906 Published on March 5, 2006; Photograph of the old Eaton Street bridge plaque, new downtown buildings, new high school plans, modest thieves

February 1906 Published on February 5, 2006; Photograph of Ethel (Snyder) Tate, child rescued after her dress catches fire, broken pipe floods new area of saloon, gasoline not to be used in kerosine lanterns

January 1906 Published on January 1, 2006; Photograph of "Good for 5 in Trade" tokens, Davis 50th Wedding Anniversary, Baader buys out Wochholz, Mother & Son business results in mail fraud charges, The Breeze begins publication at High School

December 1905 Published on December 4, 2005; Mystery of Frozen Man, Springport explosion, Carverville school ma'am's leather whip not capable of twin's alleged wounds, Irish bulldog "William Pitt" poisoned by unknown person, Man Mangling Corn Shredder Claims Another Victim

November 1905 Published on October 30, 2005; Original Union Steel plant, Wright Schoolhouse, Hannah Tracy Grant Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Bean heist, Pioneer Gone: James Foskit

October 1905 Published on October 2, 2005; Gold Medal Flour, Jackson Battle Creek Traction Co., Examiners Report Unfavorably to Albion High Schools, marriage of Miss Lena M. Hunt and Minard E. Farley

September 1905 Published on September 4, 2005; The Waterfall at Victory Park Dam, Peeper, Divorce Docket, The Handy Baggage Truck Company

August 1905 Published on August 7, 2005; Accidental suicide (when fishing be sure to leave your gun at home), Doolittle family reunion, mail boxes in the city are now all painted green.

July 1905 Published on July 3, 2005; Photograph of old gravel road by Riverside cemetery; Electric road to Duck Lake, dog with bad reputation shot by unknown person, loneliness driven way at Stag Party

June 1905 Published on June 5, 2005; Tragedy at Duck Lake barn raising, shocking affair leads to $5 fine for wife beating, isolated incident of smallpox in Albion, photograph of Charles W. Dalyrmple

May 1905 Published on May 1, 2005; Tombstone of Dr. Isaac Grant, merchants downtown fishing, C.R. Mains convicted in Ketchikan, drunks convert to church workers

April 1905 Published on April 3, 2005; Another mad dog scare, Robert Finch returns from the 1849 Goldrush, Mary (Peabody) Sheldon-Ismon passes away, Bell house moved

March 1905 Published on February 27, 2005; Mitchell "not guilty" but fears mob violence in Springport, debased by cigarettes, Marcus Crane (pioneer) passes way, photograph of chickens floating on a doghouse in the flood of 1908

February 1905 Published on January 30, 2005; Mitchell Murder Case, lithograph of Charles R. Mains (murder suspect), mad dog scare, tragic spectacle of double funerals

January 1905 Published on January 2, 2005; Testing milk, trouble for Frank Nowlin, tales of Marcus Crane, death in Albuquerque, Rhodes v. Rhodes

December 1904 Published on December 5, 2004; Photograph of Santa in downtown Albion circa 1960s, 100 years ago: horse accident, fire boys called out, Jack Spratt arraigned, death of Charles Ensign

November 1904 Published on October 31, 2004; Photograph of Mrs. Peabody with Genevieve and Walter, 15 inch apple pie found, mailbag hit by train, 50th wedding anniversary of the Foskits

October 1904 Published on October 10, 2004; Albion College football game with U of M freshman team 0-0, Afton A. Dibble moves his successful clothing store a few doors down the block

September 1904 Published on August 29, 2004; The Bar-B-Q-House, Robert L. Staples, the Shoe Man, moves into his new house, arrests for selling liquor on Labor Day

August 1904 Published on August 1, 2004; Albion Detroit sign, skull of Chief Te-kon-qua-shaw, C. K. Bliss reports a Duck Lake fishing decline

July 1904 Published on July 10, 2004; Sneak thieves visit Albion while citizens were at the Wallace Circus, Willoughby Hartung (33) killed by lightning while standing near his barn

June 1904 Published on June 6, 2004; The Great Wallace Shows, the Maccabee Hall escapade, photo of Wallace Brothers Circus Parade

May 1904 Published on May 16, 2003; A very sad drowning, one of the largest events in the history of the Albion Tent

April 1904 Published on April 4, 2004; Lady shootist scores highest at Gun Shoot, one abandoned child, religious leaders petition for regulation of saloons

March 1904 Published on March 7, 2004; The Hardy Case, Rev. John McEldowney passed away, Bullen's Opening, Bart Romans, bids for construction of city sidewalks

February 1904 Published on February 1, 2004; Duck Lake drain case, H. L. Cronin frog farm, Albion Lumber Company incorporated

January 1904 Published on January 4, 2004; Elsow Building photograph, The Uniformed Rank of the Albion Knights of Pythias, Sunday morning sermon of Rev. W. H. B. Urch

December 1903 Published on December 7, 2003; 1954 Christmas Parade photo, obituaries, links in the chain of communication

November 1903 Published on November 2, 2003; Phinneas Graves house update, railroad accident, public market, Duck Lake ditch

October 1903 Published on October 12, 2003; Big Fair, Baptist Ralley Day, Frank E. Steele, McGuire life sized portrait

September 1903 Published on August 31, 2003; Newell Harwood, Silas Pardee, James W. Peabody, Wells Smith

August 1903 Published on August 3, 2003; George W. Brail, Alderman White, Miss Lily Shafer, James A. Welton, Miss Lena Hunt, William B. Gildart

July 1903 Published on July 6, 2003; Mrs. Maria C. Blanchard, finest herds of cattle, Leman Lake, The Malleable Girls

June 1903 Published on June 8, 2003; Albion Malleable Iron Company baseball team, photo circa 1910

May 1903 Published on May 11, 2003; Burglars at Concord, The Big Mill Race, Major Frank Porter, Red Mill postcard

April 1903 Published on April 6, 2003; First electric car, Henry W. Crittenden, Newburg Mill Burned, Catcher Jim McGuire, Newburg Mill dam photo

March 1903 Published on March 2, 2003; Mrs. Herschell Stanley, Mrs. Melissa Morrison, Philo Clark, McGuire Bros. saloon

February 1903 Published on February 2, 2003; Mr. H. Kirke White, The Smallpox Scare, No Vacant Houses, Albion Handle Manufacturing Company

January 1903, Published on January 5, 2003; Joseph Bezke, Rev. W. T. Jaquess, Andrew Carnegie, Frank Beilfuss

December 1902, Published on December 8, 2002; Salvation Army Dinner, Jackson-Battle Creek Traction Company, Dr. Henry Van Ostrand

November 1902, Published on November 3, 2002; Red Mill, 21 divorce cases on the calendar, Fred L. Munger, National Spring & Wire Co.

October 1902, Published on September 29, 2002; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pennell, Charles Shuppel, Interurban Railway Bridge

September 1902, Published on September 1, 2002; Some Coldwater boys, a meteor passes, President Dickie

August 1902, Published on August 4, 1002; Bloomerville Pit, Mr. Frank E. Nowlin beams, the Homer Index

July 1902, Published on July 7, 2002; Governor Aaron T. Bliss, James H. Cook, Willard M. Gardner, new pipe organ

June 1902, Published on June 9, 2002; Joseph Biske, James Lewis, pop business, Central Michigan Trap Shooters Association

May 1902, Published on May 12, 2002; George T. Bullen, Narrow twister near the Billinghurst School, Catcher Jim McGuire

April 1902, Published on April 7, 2002; Interurban Electric Railroad special feature

March 1902, Published on March 3, 2002; E. W. Hollingsworth Post of the G.A.R., Kurt Botsford, Elliott C. Gale, George Bullen

February 1902, Published on February 3, 2002; Powhatan, The Indian Opera, the measles, General Beadle, Railroad Jack

January 1902, Published on January 6, 2002; Freundschaft club, New Telegraph Poles, Hough, Brundage Manufacturing Company

December 1901, Published on December 2, 2001; The Litchfield Butter Co., The Fortnightly Club, Elisha Warner, Hon. William Jennings Bryan

November 1901, Published on November 4, 2001; The Divorce Calendar, College Crumbs, colored oleo margarine, Jack the Peeper

October 1901, Published on September 30, 2001; The Toledo & Northwestern railway, James McGuire, electric road, high school baseball suits, Coldwater's chicken ordinances

September 1901, Published on September 2, 2001; A Night of Sin, electric road, Mr. Thompson's milk wagon, Wellington Bidwell Crane

August 1901, Published on August 5, 2001; European Hotel, Charles Bell, Albion Guards, Godfrey family reunion

July 1901, Published on July 1, 2001; Deutscher Verein, Modesta Romero, Cook Gasoline Engine Works

June 1901, Published on June 3, 2001; George E. Dean-laid sidewalks, Calhoun County Telephone Company

May 1901, Published on May 6, 2001; Albion's first chamber of commerce, New Electric Road, Mrs. Van Atta, Albion's First Automobile

April 1901, Published on April 1, 2001; Palmer M. Dearing, Mike Vetskinski, Carl Schumacher photo, Commercial Hotel Closed

March 1901, Published on March 11, 2001; New Cigar Factory, miniature hurricane, Ira D. Sankey, Sophia Schuyler

February 1901, Published on February 11, 2001; Lewis Ransom Fiske photo, Miss Bessie Zimmerman's party, Senator Bangham

January 1901, Published on January 7, 2001; Frank Van Atta, Policeman Fred Hagerman, "Deacon" Jim McGuire photo

December, 1900, Published on December 10, 2000; Frederick Erhardt photo, Moses Blakeley, Mrs. Frank Cooley's chickens

November 1900, Published on November 5, 2000; U.S. Post Office photo, Central Standard time, Michigan Telephone Company, ELT Club

October 1900, Published on October 8, 2000; William Cullen Hakes, Williams Jennings Bryan, Diptheria

September 1900, Published on September 3, 2000; Diptheria quarantine, Miss Mary Robertson in China, missing library books

August 1900, Published on August 6, 2000; Assaulted the Dog Warden, Found the Money Drawer, Lynn Bogue Hunt photo

July 1900, Published on July 9, 2000; The Wochholz Twins photo, Charles Senter, Woman's Christian Temperance Union

May-June 1900, Published on June 4, 2000; Springport rural free delivery, Spectacle Lake, Central Telephone Co.

April 1900, Published on April 2, 2000; Winter-Lau Field photo, Orva Bronson, Fred Tichenor, Miss Ella Coffin

February 1900, Published on February 6, 2000; Bad Harris Brothers of Sheridan Township, Hurley block construction planned

January, 1900, Published on January 2, 2000; Albion Leader newspaper, Manning Harness Company, Samuel A. Wilder & Son

December, 1899, Published on December 12, 1999; The Single Spinsters' Literary Club, Ponto Sink Hole photo

November, 1899, Published on November 7, 1999; Mayor Loud, Hodge's Hall, O. H. Gale, smokeless gunpowder

October, 1899, Published on October 3, 1999; Miss Agnes Gorton, Mrs. Bertha Hadley, Ruth Wall, G. Peters

September, 1899, Published on September 5, 1999; College students return, town of bridges, V. S. Wolcott

August, 1899, Published on August 1, 1999; Dr. Elizabeth Palmer, Albion Michigan Mining and Milling Company

July, 1899, Published on July 18, 1999; ordinance regarding the use of bicycle bells and lamps, Adelbert Culver

June, 1899, Published on June 13, 1999; Dr. George C. Hafford thwarts burglers, Mrs. Elizabeth Squires mortaly burned in accident

All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic

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